My Summer Goal List

IMG_2187This summer is going to be different. Remember you were a kid and the summers seem to go on forever in the best way possible? Well, my most recent summer seasons have flown by with not too much fun to show for them. This year I vow to make the most of my summer! I’m a list maker, so I’m making a list of my summer goals.

Why am I writing this on a web site that’s mostly about nutrition? Part of being healthy is being happy. You could be eating the most pure whole foods diet, but if you’re not enjoying life, I wouldn’t consider you a healthy person. Holistic health is about honoring your whole life experience. For me that means I want to have a fun summer! Here’s my list of summer fun, what’s on your list?unnamed-2

  • Go to a baseball game
  • Eat lots of corn on the cob, watermelon and tomatoes
  • Try something new  – I tried stand-up paddleboard yoga for the first time (and I love it)
  • Play in or on the water – swim, kayak, paddleboard
  • Ride my bike
  • Cook on the grill
  • Go see live music outdoors
  • Drink lots of iced tea
  • Visit my family across the country
  • Yoga outside whenever possible
  • Summer reading
  • Walk barefoot in the grass
  • Explore a local park
  • Take a road trip

What’s on your summer goal list?

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